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The title of this year’s Leading Graduate Conference is Understanding People” and this is also what the workshop is going to be about.

Our Leading Programs all have the common goal of developing capable leaders with an international perspective. In the future, we will pursue careers in academia, companies or civic leading positions and regardless of whether we work in our home country or abroad, we will be confronted with people who have different backgrounds to us. When we want to lead these people and make decisions that impact our teams, it is essential that we understand their background and realize that not everyone thinks and feels the way we do.

In the workshop, we want to tackle exactly this issue. 

We came up with several topics for discussion that will allow you to (self-)critically question a number of social issues that all of us have been affected with or will be in the future. 
The goals of the workshop are:

-          to question your own point of view

-          to determine the social problems contained within one topic

-          and to find possible solutions that everyone in the group can agree to

This way we will be able to draw on the experience made in this workshop when we are confronted with these issues in the future.

We will be counting on your opinions!"


1.    Integration of non-Japanese into Japanese society 

            Sub points: 

            a.    Expectation versus reality

            b.    Miscommunications between supervisors and subordinates


2.    Comparison between hierarchical and non-hierarchical companies


3.    Japanese overwork system: What needs to change?

            Sub point: Connection between low birthrate and working conditions


4.    Study-life imbalance of students


5.    Reliability of University rankings


6.    Key elements that make a better education system

            Sub points: 

            a.    Education system without grading

            b.    Pros and cons of interactive learning


7.    What kind of leaderships inspires or discourage you?

·       All students will be divided into 21 groups. 

·       Three groups per topic.

·       Each group includes 6 students + 1 facilitator.

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"Program for Leading Graduate Schools" is supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan(MEXT). 

Copyright (C) 2017 Executive Committee of The 5th Student Meeting of Leading Graduate Schools All Rights Reserved.



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